Friday 28 June 2013

Liebster Award! #3

Hey lovelies! Recently I was nominated for the Liebster award by Becky from Geek Gets Glam

I've actually had this award before so I'm going to skip the 11 facts about me and get straight to the questions sent from the lovely Becky!

Q1. If you could see any band/musician live, who would it be? 
A1. If any of you know me reading this blog you will know I LOVE Beyonce, I've already seen her live but I'd definitely chose her to see again! (OR Westlife haha!)

Q2. What three things would you take to a desert island?
A2. I'm going to take a different approach to this question haha, I'd take a boat big enough to take me home and a sailor to help me get home as I'd be useless and then rather a camera or enough food to help me get by! Now how's that for an answer ;)

Q3. What beauty tool can you not live without?
A3. Oooo what a tricky one, does this mean tool as in brushes or a make up product? Imma go with make up product, I couldn't live without mascara!!

Q4. Why did you start blogging and what is the most enjoyable thing about blogging?
Q4. I started blogging when I made singing YouTube videos and then gradually I started making beauty videos and here I am now becoming a proper bblogger haha! The most enjoyable thing has got to be the conversations I have with other people about make up whether it's through commenting, inboxing, tweeting, bbloggers chat, blogger events - you name it - I love it!

Q5. If you could bring back any limited edition/hard to find beauty product, what would you choose?
A5. Limited edition wise I wouldn't have a clue! But as for hard to find beauty products I'd definitely make Lime Crime lippies, Wet n Wild Products, Milani products AND Mac Show Orchid a LOT easier to find! (Or I could just move to America!)

Q6. What was your most recent purchase?
A6. Erm my most recent purchase is actually a secret for a future swap with Megan from Thumbelina Lillie haha but my most recent beauty-ish purchase is a Yankee Candle in the scent Vanilla Frosting - OMG amazing!

Q7. What is your favourite type of blog post?
A7. This has got to be reviews with swatches especially lipsticks on pale skinned girls on their actual lips so I can tell whether it will suit me or not instead of just a swatch on the hand!

Q8. What is the TV show you watch the most?
A8. I don't really watch that much TV but I will never ever miss an episode of TOWIE - even when I was revising I still watched it haha!

Q9. If you could be a celebrity for the day, who would you be and why?
A9. Ooo this is an interesting one, I would most probably be Beyonce just because I love her so much! (I know I'm obsessed!)

Q10. Do you have any tattoos?
A10. Nope not yet, I don't know if I ever will because of the type of job field I want to get in to (psychologist) I would have to have them covered up at all times.

Q11. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A11. Hmmmm, this one has my clog wheels turning! I'd most probably buy somewhere to live so I could have a place to call my own if I was thinking sensibly, howwwwwwwever, I probably would just go wild on MAC or something crazy like that and blow a load of money on make up haha!

Thank you so much for nominating me Becky! It was nice to read your post and get to know you! As I've said, I've done this post before therefore I won't be nominating other people. 

Do you have any interesting answers to Becky's questions? Let me know in the comments below!


Thursday 27 June 2013

Most Wanted #2 - MAC Edition

Hey Lovelies! Today I have another most wanted post but this time it is solely dedicated to one make up brand - MAC! Oh how I lust over MAC, especially the lipsticks as you will be able to tell from this post. Here is a print screen of my shopping basket - I will own these one day.

The first thing I reaaallllyyyy want is the Pro Longwear concealer because their mineralise one creases on me slightly if I put too much on by accident (The joys of getting ready early in the morning) and apparently this one doesn't budge or crease alll day so I think it would definitely be right up my street!

I'm really interested in their Melba blusher due to watching Nicole Guerriero videos on YouTube as she uses this a lot and damn I love that girl!

And as you can probably tell, I'm slightly obsessed with lipsticks as I have a total of 7 lipsticks in my basket! I'm not going to go through them individually but I must add that I've looked at swatches online and hopefully all of them will suit my pale skin - boohoo. I only had 6 until recently when I went to a Blogger Social Event in Sunderland and got recommended Chatterbox - the danger of bbloggers coming together!

In total my basket came up to just over £130 which is crazy but no where near as bad as £240 before I cut things down!

Do you have any MAC products calling your name? Or any lipsticks recommendations for pale lil' me? Then let me know in the comments below! 


Wednesday 26 June 2013

GFC move along.. Bloglovin is here!

Picture from

Hey lovelies!
Various rumours have been going around saying how GFC - Google Friend Connect (something like that haha) is going and personally this doesn't bother me as I never look at the blogs I follow through that. Ever since discovering bloglovin I've never looked back, it's sooo much easier and less time consuming to just flick through the posts I've missed and comment on people's blogs. I personally don't like the app for my ipad as it doesn't show how pretty some people's blogs are and that's especially annoying when someone has took time and effort to make it look appealing to the eye! But moving onwards haha...

If you follow me on GFC because twice the amount of people follow me on there compared to bloglovin... please follow me on bloglovin so we don't lose our amazing connection ;)

Here is a link to follow me!

PWEASE do follow me and send me your bloglovin links below so I can follow you because I read EVERY SINGLE POST on bloglovin unlike the 0 posts I read from GFC! 


Monday 24 June 2013

Best BUDGET Fashion Websites

Hey lovelies! So today I'm doing a different post and showing all my secrets to getting clothes for a cheaper price! I'm not huge on buying new clothes but when I do I like to buy many things from one website without breaking the bank so here are the regular online websites I visit...

The first one is and you guessed it... everything on the website is £5! This is a hit or miss website for me as it all depends on what stock they get in but I've been getting their emails for donkies now and there is always something that catches my eye!
P.s Sorry if the pics blury - I got it from google!

Second up is MATALAN, I love online shopping and going in store when it comes to Matalan as everything is nice and reasonably priced the only downside for me is that they have lovely bras but they don't do my size - boohoo! Whenever I think of Matalan I always associate it with holiday shopping as this is were I use to go alllll the time when I was a kid haha, recently though they have been stocking some amazing pieces that you'd normally get from Topshop/River Island but for triple the price!

Karma Clothing is next up and this one is my super duper cheap one that I love love love, I've got things from here before when I was trying different leggings etc and I love it! Especially the price (I'm a bargain hunter, whatcha gonna do about it haha) they also do 15% student discount which I thinks amazing considering it's only a little shop (well in my eyes it is).

OMG, Internacionale is amazzzzzing! I never ever use to appreciate the store near my house until it got shut down and now I have to travel further to get to one, I've ordered from them online twice now and one time I got a pair of killer red heels for £15 with free postage! The second time I got 2 peplum tops, baggy trousers, a white knit cardigan for just under £50 which I thought was amazing (I'm sure I bought something else as well though, hmm) I'd definitely recommend signing up to their email because that is how you find out when all the sales are haha!

Lastly is which I fell in love with way way way before it all got hyped up back when I was in the middle of school (I've just finished my second year of college) so that can give you an idea of how long ago it was! You can also get 10% student discount and they always have loads of sales on, I think there is currently a 50% one running so I'd definitely recommend this one too!

I never even realised how many bargain websites I had to recommend (oops) I hope you've enjoyed this type of post and let me know if you'd like to see anymore! Do you have any bargain websites to recommend to me? Let me know below!

Remember, honesty is key.

P.S all these photos are from google images so all credit goes to those who uploaded them.

Thursday 20 June 2013 Haul!

Hey lovelies!
So today I have an exciting video and blog post including the lovely things I was sent from which is a online website based in China and sells cheap make up worldwide! I have been asked about buying things from there and you can pay through paypal if you feel a bit on the edge as I know some people do when buying things over the internet! 
I'm just going to jump straight into it and show you what I received!

These are all the things I got sent! How amazing! It includes a mascara duo*, sixplus 12 piece brush set*, blusher duo*, concealer*, sixplus 217 brush* and a gel eyeliner*!
Here is the video!
First up is the Leopard Mascara* - $10.99 - Product Code - 101001 which has been in my Ebay watch list for ages so I'm sooo happy to finally get my hands on it!
The mascara below is the transplanting gel which is step 1 and the second mascara is the natural fibre step 2 which is a tube that has tiny tiny little fibres that are suppose to make your lashes look longer and fuller! I'm contemplating doing a first impressions video on this, what do you think?
Next is the Blush 2 Palette* - $7.38 - Product Code 100091-4# which is - OMG - so super duper pigmented as you can tell from my swatches its true to it's colour. I have used both so far and I'd definitely recommend using a LIGHT LIGHT hand when applying because of just how pigmented they are! (If you like a more natural look)
I'm so glad I choose this Concealer Cream* - $7.99 - Product Code 100084-2# as it's the perfect light shade that I wanted! I've been wanting a lighter concealer to brighten up areas before putting foundation on and this baby is the best thing ever! (As you will see from my reaction in the video haha!)
This amazing Black Gel Eyeliner* - $6.09 - Product Code 100800-2# is next up and if you watch the video you will know how pigmented it is (yes I know, I'm repeating myself, sowwwie!) but it honestly is! I don't know how good I am at using this because I'm terrible for using gel eyeliner but a girl has got to learn!
They also very kindly sent me the Six Plus 12 Piece Brush Set!* - $28.99 - Product Code 101818 which is extremely similar to Sigma's brush sets! I will be doing a post on this shortly and in more depth!
Lastly is the Sixplus 217 Eye brush* - $5.99 - Product Code 101414 which I choose to see if it is a dupe for MAC's 217 especially with having the same name!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the video! 
Have you ever bought something from
They do clothes, jewellery, hair and more!!
If you'd like me to do any reviews on any of these then let me know? 
Remember, honesty is key.


Tuesday 18 June 2013

Along Came Betty Pure Pores 15 Minute Detox Mask Review!

Hey lovely!
Today I have a little review for you on the lovely new range out in Tesco! It looks very similar to Soap and Glory and that is exactly what drew my Mum and I in!

Everything was half price so I grabbed the 'Along Came Betty Pure Pores 15 Minute Detox Mask' to see what magic it could do on reducing the size of my pores and getting rid of blackheads (THE most annoying things ever)

The instructions state that you put the mask onto the face and then rub in circular motions, as it has small beads inside so I'm assuming this is to help open up the pores, until the mixture feels smooth and the beads are no longer there. It smells amazing I must say and the pot is huge for the price - £4.99 currently in Tesco.

Here is a picture of me with the mask on, it does say not to put it around the eye areas so I put the mask as far up as I felt comfortable with and this is the result!
Overall I think this mask is very nice and refreshing however I didn't notice that much of a difference for my pores, they were a little bit smaller on my nose but not many (if any) blackheads had been removed even when I really rubbed the beads in.

I would give this mask a 4/10 based on its 'pore' reduction/removal of blackheads, but it still gets a 4 because of how cheap it is, how nice it smells and the fact that it kind of evened out my skin tone a little!

Have you tried anything from this new line? Let me know in the comments if you have any recommendations on good blackhead removing/poor minimising face masks!

Remember, honesty is key.


Deborah Milano Bronzer and Lipstick Review!

Hey good looking!
How are you today?? I'm fandabbydosey! Thanks for asking :)
To be honest, I don't know why I'm so happy - it's exam season! :( :(

Onto a more happier note - MAKE UP.
Quite a while back now I got sent some lovely make up from Deborah Milano along with a tonne of samples and thought I'd share what I got! The very lovely people behind Deborah Milano, an Italian based company that is now coming over to the UK, sent me two full sized products and let me chose the shades best for me!

If you want to check out any of their products or want an in-depth view or even a video of these then don't be shy to ask! I don't bite :)

Here is a direct link to their website - 

This is everything I got sent - wowy!

Above are the two full products I got sent - a bronzer and lipstick in the shade that I chose :).

BB Cream Samples!

The Luminating Bronzing Powder in Shade 6* which retails at £6.50!!

Here is a close up and I'm so glad you can see tiny shimmers within this bronzer! This would be amazing for people with oily skin who are a bit scared of looking too shiny as it is so subtle!

Can I just say this was the tiniest sweep across the product and this is how pigmented it is!! Holy christ!! Ammmazzzingggg.

Next up is the Milano Red Lipstick in Shade 8* as shown below.

I love that the lipstick has the logo printed into it! So classy and I love love love gold packaging (soft spot!)

This is me at 11 o'clock at night so apologies for the tired skin and vest top haha! The lipstick is a lovely colour but maybe a bit too dark for my skin colour, what do you think?

The lipstick retails at £8.50 so I think the prices are quite reasonable and are similar to drugstore/highstreet prices!
Overall I'm extremely happy with the bronzer, I picked the perfect shade and now that I've started gradually tanning it's going to come in handy with it being darker than my other bronzers! It isn't a mucky brown or an orangey brown - it's just perfect! BUT with it being so pigmented it is a little hard to manage and I definitely need a light hand when applying it!

As for the lipstick, I really do like the colour and when they said to choose a colour from this brand of lipsticks I found it very easy to choose a nice vibrant colour! I think this lipstick would be good for summer with the right outfit but is probably best off for winter because this is as vampy as I will get, I'm too much of a girly girl! It is extremely pigmented and melts and glides across the lips which is a miracle for me because quite a lot of lipsticks tug on my lips, BUT just like the bronzer it is hard to manage and with it being a dark colour it isn't easy to get off if you go outside the lip line! I'd recommend a lip brush for a lipstick of this shade and pigmentation!

Thank you so much Deborah Milano for sending me these products!

I'm going to stop blabbing on now haha, thank you for reading and please remember that although I do get sent make up sometimes it doesn't mean I'm biased! I tell any companies that contact me that I will only give my honest opinion and if something is rubbish - Imma tell yas!

Have you ever tried make up from Deborah Milano? Do you like this lip colour? Let me know below!
Remember, honesty is key.

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