Thursday, 29 October 2015
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Back2School Week | Day Seven: Stationary Giveaway!
The last day of Back2School Week features a GIVEAWAY!! All details are in the down bar on the YouTube video...
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Back2School Week | Day Six: Money Saving Tips
Being student is hard, never mind having to think about managing money and prioritising, today's Back To School video helps with just that and features some tips on how to save money and still be able to splurge on your 'cant live without' products...
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Back2School Week | Day Four: Hacks & Tips
Want to save some time on the morning? Or wondering how to revise? Todays video has my hacks & tips to help you improve whether you're at school, university or college!
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Back2School Week | Day Three: Quick Natural Make Up + Tips
Want to feel & look 'presentable' but still have an extra 10 minutes in bed? This video has all the answers, it's my quick and natural make up look with some tips and tricks on how to make sure you're feeling confident but still have had plenty of sleep...
Back2School Week | Day Two: DIY Notebooks & Bookmarks
Day Two of Back To School Week is my first ever DIY video, a quick and simple video showing you how to jazz up them boring notebooks and create your own personal bookmarks. Lets get into this...
Monday, 21 September 2015
Back2School Week | Day One: Haul & Essentials!
YouTube | DAY 5 FI Week: Bare Minerals Powder Skincare
DAY 4 First Impressions Week: Infallible Matte Foundation
DAY 3 First Impressions Week: Burberry Kisses Lipsticks
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Beauty | MeMeMe Cosmetics Nail Varnish Swatch
Looking for that perfect summer shade without having to dip into the days out fund? This MeMeMe Nail Collection Long Lasting Gloss* in 60 Vivacious is perfect for just that! With a easy application (and that's coming from someone who can't paint nails to save her life) and a long lasting formula that protects and conditions, this colour will make your hands and toes look browner than they already are!
I've never done this kind of nail varnish swatch post before, did you like it? I like how it's straight to the point but would love to know your thoughts and I'd love to do this with other nail varnishes if you are interested? Leave comments below!
Sunday, 9 August 2015
TWO GIVEAWAYS | Benefit, Lancome, YSL, Clinique and more...
Can you believe we've hit 2,000 subscribers, never mind now over 3,000!? Thank you all so much for subscribing and supporting me, we've grown so much and there's so much more ahead of us. Here is a little way of me giving back to you with TWO giveaways, one for all of you across the world and one for us North East gals...
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
DAY 1 First Impressions Week: Too Faced Products
Welcome to FIRST IMPRESSIONS WEEK, new videos every day Monday-Friday on my first thoughts when trying new products! Today is Day One and is focused around the brand Too Faced, featuring a BB cream, bronzer, lipstick, eyeshadow and blusher...
Monday, 3 August 2015
Make Up Revolution Haul
Make Up Revolution is a brand that is affordable and good quality, making dupes for high end products is what they are well known for so I wanted to delve into the brand even more and see what it has to offer, here is what I got...
Friday, 31 July 2015
Nominate Me | The North East Blogger Award
(Picture taken from the North East Blogger Awards website)
It's came to my attention that the North East Blogger Awards are running again this year and I'd absolutely love it if you could possibly vote for me for the Best Beauty Blog! I honestly think I'd cry so bad if I came in the Top 3 nominations, lets see if we can do this together and get nominated!
If you would like to vote for me for the Best Beauty Blog, it'd mean so much, here's the link to do so...
Twitter feed - @Luce_Stephenson
Remember, honesty is key.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Cohorted July Box Haul
I think I can now announce I'm in love with Cohorted's beauty boxes, the March box I reviewed (here) was sent to me to review, since being so impressed I decided to invest my own money and buy the July box! Here it is in all its' glory...
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Blusher Collection
Sundays upload video was all about my blusher collection, I never realised just how many I had until I did this video, hope you enjoy!
Remember, honesty is key.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Tag | The Skincare Tag
Simple, easy, nourishing, comforting & quick.
2. What is your skin type?
Combination! I've got a oily t-zone so my skin just seems to melt make up off recently, especially round my nose! But I also have dehydrated cheeks (weird right?!)
3. What is your favourite skincare product?
At the moment I'm loving Lancome Visionnaire, it's working wonders on my large pores, slowly but gradually they are starting to look smaller!
4. Top blemish zapper
I REALLY love the Clearasil Ultra Blemish+Mark Treatment cream, I picked it up from Boots ages ago and it's been my go to product since. All you need is a small layer over any spots or marks from previous spots (as I love to pop them!) and it helps so much to reduce the appearance and stop them pesky spots that sting.
5. Face wipes yay or nay?
For me it has to be a nay on an every day basis, but a yay on them days when you seriously cannot be bothered doing your full routine and just want something quick and easy before going to sleep!
6. Toner yay or nay?
Nay but I totally need to start using one, I only really reach for a toner if I'm feeling really luxurious and want to treat my skin, I know I should start reaching for it more often but it's just one of them steps that I never really think about when it comes to doing my skincare routine.
7. High end skincare or high end makeup?
I'd say both (is that cheating?), I'm more likely to buy high end make up though as I'm not as interested in skincare as I am make up. However if I've tried a sample of a high end skincare product and loved it, I definitely wouldn't think twice about picking it up, I'd just go all out for it.
8. Whats the most unusual skincare product you've used?
Erm, this is quite a hard one for me, I'd probably say the Bare Minerals Powder that you put on before you go to sleep, it has loads of skin benefits in it but it looks like a powder foundation and gives a bit of coverage. I still need to give it a try but it's definitely the only skincare product I've had to look twice at and thought, ooo that's different!
9. You're in a french pharmacy and you can only pick up one thing, what is it?
I'd probably pick up something from La Roche Possay just because I haven't tried any of their stuff before, any recommendations anyone?
10. Tell us your top skincare tips?
My skincare tips are the most obvious ones:
- Drink plenty of water
- Think about what you're eating as this has a huge impact on your skin (Hello spots)
- Always take your make up off before going to sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Think about what you're eating as this has a huge impact on your skin (Hello spots)
- Always take your make up off before going to sleep
I'd love to see YOU do this tag, feel free to leave your tag links down below so we can all have a read!
Remember, honesty is key.
Remember, honesty is key.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Work GRWM/ChitChat (Full Face Of Benefit)
Ever wondered how I do my make up for work? Well here's a GRWM that kind of turned into a Chit Chat tutorial at the same time...
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Beauty | Make Up Revolution Haul & Swatches
Make Up Revolution has taken the beauty community by storm, so a while back I decided to pick up some goodies when it first launched and I thought I'd share them with you now (delayed or what).
The first thing I gravitated towards was the blusher palette: Ultra Blush And Contour Palette in Sugar and Spice. Can you believe this is only £6?! You get 8 different products in it ranging from bright pinks, to marbled products and bronzer colours, such a bargain!
Friday, 3 July 2015
What's On My Face / What's My Face Worth?
I've never actually done one of these posts but when reading them it really opens your eyes as to how much make up costs and how much you spend on putting a 'few' things on your face. Recently I've been trying to be really good and only buy make up if I DESPERATELY needed it, and to say it's been difficult is an understatement, but saving for a car is my priority at the moment, so this is one of my many ways to help me cope when I walk into Boots or House Of Fraser.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
The Me-Time Tag
Q1. What do you like to watch/read during me-time?
I love to watch Netflix, I've recently just finished Gossip Girl (what a disappointing ending btw!!), I'm planning on starting Prison Break after my exams. But during me-time I gravitate towards YouTube more than anything else, I'm not much of a TV person (although I do like watching the soaps) but I absolutely love catching up on my YouTube videos, I must go on it at least 4-5 times a day to see if there are any new videos, it's quite unhealthy actually! If you have a YouTube channel, leave the link below as I'd love to check it out!
Q2. What do you wear during me-time?
If I'm just chilling in my bedroom then I'm normally sat in one of Blake's tops because they are like a nightie for me and super duper comfy, and of course, a bra is no where to be seen, cannot have me-time wearing a bra, it's just not right!
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Cohorted March Beauty Box
Ever since Cohorted launched it has taken over the beauty world, starting with there discounted make up sales every Monday ranging from MAC to Nars to Bare Minerals, every one of us beauty addicts were hooked! So when they started their own Beauty Box, you can imagine how excited we all were, when the first box launched it sold out within hours!! With it being totally stocked up of beauty gems I can certainly understand why.
Last month I got the absolute honour to receive the March box* and I think I'm hooked, with no subscription and a one off payment of £19.99 this beauty box is unlike all the others. Unlike others, you can pre-order the box before the actual launch date, unfortunately due to how amazing the box is, pre-orders are all sold out until July but you can order a box on the launch dates that are on the website here.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
The Highlighting and Contour Tag
What are your go-to products for highlighting and contouring? Remember, honesty is key. Twitter - Youtube - Instagram - Bloglovin'
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Top 5 Spring Lipsticks
Now that the weather in the UK is starting to get a bit warmer (fingers crossed I don't jinx it) I thought I'd show you my 'Top 5 Go-To' spring lipsticks...
YSL Rouge Volumpte - 8
Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter - Sorbet 053
MAC Lipstick - Vegas Volt
MAC Lipstick - Chatterbox (A must have lippie!!)
Too Faced Lipstick - Juicy Melons
What are your go-to lipsticks this time of the year? I love switching mine about!
Remember, honesty is key.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
London Beauty Wishlist

Saturday, 28 March 2015
Make Up Madness: Unorganised Chaos
Sometimes we just don't have time to organise and make our make up storage look 'pinterest worthy', real life just isn't like that, instead we may stuff a tonne of products in to a huge bag and live out of that for 6 months straight, this is exactly what happened to me... See exactly what I was hoarding and how I turned it from Make Up Madness into Organised Chaos!
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Make Up Collection & Storage - March 2015
I finally got round to recording my Make Up Collection video, I really wanted to do one before I move everything into my new storage and take it all upstairs, so here it is! I will be doing a new video when I'm happy with the layout of my new storage so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out.
Please don't take this as me bragging, it has took a while for me to build up my collection and I'm really happy with it, for some people this will be a ridiculous amount of make up for one girl, and yeah you're right. However for other people this will look tiny in comparison to their collection, I love make up and trying new things and that is kind of resulted in a collection like this!
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Collective Haul - Benefit, MAC, Clarins, Rimmel etc!
Sunday, 15 February 2015
One Brand Collection - Benefit
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Luce Stephenson | UK Beauty Blog & YouTuber. All rights reserved.